My Weekly Sugar-Free Grocery List + What My Kids Eat


My Weekly Sugar-Free Grocery List | Little Miss Fearless

What I Buy Weekly at Costco

These items are eaten by our whole family so they go quick. Sometimes I buy two cases of apples because I know I’ll eat one every single morning (for the rest of my life! bwahhahaha).

  • Honey Crisp Apples
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Broccoli
  • Butternut squash
  • Salmon

What I Buy Every 2-3 Weeks at Costco

I don’t buy all of these every 2 weeks. Usually just 1-2 fruits and 1 vegetable to mix it up, then chicken sausage if we’re almost out.

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Pineapple
  • Cherries
  • Zucchini
  • Aidells Apple Chicken Sausage
  • Organic Canned Black Beans
  • Organic Marinara
  • Frozen Meatballs (for Benji)

My Weekly Sugar-Free Grocery List | Little Miss Fearless

What I Buy Weekly at Other Grocery Stores

  • Raw boneless skinless chicken breast — we marinate and grill chicken at least once a week
  • Steak or ground turkey — we usually grill steak or make tacos once a week
  • Raw veggies for my dinner salad — I buy it pre-sliced in a veggie tray to save time
    • Carrots
    • Celery
    • Cucumber
    • Broccoli
    • Cauliflower
    • Bagged lettuce or spinach
  • Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla Greek Yogurt — I keep at least 2-3 tubs in my fridge at a time, so whenever I empty one, we pick another one up while at the store
  • Sweet potatoes — I buy 2-3 to peel and cut myself, or sometimes get fresh pre-cut in a microwavable steam bag
  • Fruit that we don’t buy in bulk
    • Bananas
    • Cutie oranges
    • Watermelon
    • Nectarines

What I Buy Every 2-3 Weeks at Other Grocery Stores

I don’t buy all of these every 2 weeks. Similar to Costco, I’ll buy 1-2 veggies to mix it up and the other items only if we’ve run out.

  • Spaghetti squash
  • Spiralized zucchini or butternut squash
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Peppers and onions
  • Eggs
  • Shredded cheese
  • Litehouse Bacon Blue Cheese Salad Dressing (this is my go-to)
  • Primal Kitchen Cilantro Lime Dressing/Marinade (this one is our fav but we love all Primal Kitchen marinades)
  • Quaker Instant Oatmeal Packets (breakfast)
  • Frozen brown and/or jasmine rice packets from Trader Joe’s (they’re sticky rice and so much better than instant rice)
  • Canned Rotel tomatoes (I buy mild and get several at a time so I always have one handy)
  • Canned black beans (sometimes I can get a case at Costco but they’ve been gone lately)
  • Olive Oil PAM — I spray this on my veggies every time I roast them in the oven with salt + pepper

What My Kids Eat

When it comes to my kids, I try to focus mostly on being an example, having more healthy options around for them to choose from but allowing them to make their own choices.


He loves salmon and will almost always eat chicken and steak with us. He’ll also eat roasted or steamed broccoli when I offer it, plus spaghetti squash when I tell him it’s spaghetti. ?

Sweet potatoes are my go-to grain for him when he doesn’t have bread, tortillas or noodles (he’s not a fan of rice yet). Like any 4-year-old, his favorite food is pizza and he loves the frozen meatballs we buy at Costco, too.


He still eats baby food pouches, but he loves sweet potatoes, strawberries, yogurt (sometimes with rice and cinnamon) and waffles/bread.

I’ll do a separate post on my husband, but for the most part, we all eat the same meat and fruit with everyone occasionally sharing my veggies/grains.

The Fun Part

I hope this is helpful and gives you an idea of what I and my family eat regularly.

The best part about this plan is that YOU get to choose what you eat. So if you have a favorite vegetable, eat it!

I’ve always love roasted vegetables more than steamed, so I started with things like butternut squash, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, and to this day, they’re still my staples. I cook them all the same—spray with olive oil PAM, salt + pepper, roast in the oven at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes. ?

You’ll get into a groove after about 2 weeks with what items make your weekly grocery list. Then when you’ve got it down and it feels simple, you can branch out and experiment with new recipes (I’ll share some of my favs in the Clean Simple Eats meal plans soon!).

Comment below if you have any questions. XO



  1. Lisa says:

    Hi Amanda your list looks great I’m an older mom in my 50s. I try to get rid of sugar in my diet too but mine is due to I am diabetic. I just wanted to pass along what my endocronologist said about the instant oatmeal. She said although it takes longer that I should be doing the steel cut oatmeal or at the least the old fashioned oats. The instant oatmeal she said is really bad because it’s refined. I really enjoy your blog. I know you don’t do it as much but I really loved your fashion sense it taught me a lot, that I still use today. Take care.

    Posted June 28, 2020 | Reply
    • Thanks so much for the suggestion! I will definitely look into it. XO

      Posted June 29, 2020 | Reply
  2. Jennifer says:

    I have been in FA since December and have achieved my goal weight. I am unhappy however at how punitive and shaming my sponsor is when I taste my husband’s soup when he is sick or eat blueberries at 3 pm.
    I do not see much grace.
    I am wondering if I can do this on my own and surrender the daily morning phone calls and guilt.
    I am not an addictive eater, more an emotional eater. I’ve always been a vegetable lover.
    Your blog was encouraging and I have a lot to think about.

    Posted July 17, 2024 | Reply