This post is sponsored by Mon Amie, with select product gifted by Mon Amie. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
As most of you know, I’ve been making a lot of changes in my life lately, from simplifying my wardrobe, to finding my WHY, to cultivating the courage to let my imperfect self be seen. My lifelong struggle with perfectionism is at the core of it all, it’s become my WHY, and learning to let go of my old thinking has empowered me to empower others.
It started with one question that I kept asking myself over and over.
Why do I feel this way?
That desperate question led to my seeking answers in books (yes, Brené Brown was the game-changer), educating myself about emotions and cultural influences, and enrolling in additional group therapy classes to learn, alongside others, how to live a more brave life.
Change is HARD.
I’ve learned it truly is made in small decisions every single day, that for me, began with identifying my core values. I knew if I could align my life to what really matters to me, I could begin to let go of all the other things that I spend so much time thinking and worrying about.
There’s just one catch.
If I had never learned how to read, how to write, how to communicate, how to question the status quo… I would never have found the resources that ultimately taught me how to love and accept myself. And without that, I wouldn’t believe in my ability to make a difference.
Knowledge is power is confidence.
Today, I’m teaming up with Mon Amie (last seen here + here) to celebrate International Women’s Day, a global initiative to progress gender parity. I love what this brand stands for—do good, see good, share good—and I’m honored to join them to strive for equality among women. Every Mon Amie watch supports a unique cause to give back to people in the world who don’t have access to the things many of us take for granted.
Because of my passion for knowledge, I chose the Education watch, which gives back to the physical needs of classrooms in underdeveloped countries. Imagine if we all saw education the way these people do. To them, it’s a privilege, and women of all ages are reaping the benefits of the educational process provided through Mon Amie’s efforts. #MonAmieforSHE
That makes me feel SO good.
How can you get involved?
I believe change starts within each of us. A desire to be the good in the world—to love ourselves and our families first—can have an immeasurable impact on how we engage with those around us.
Start with a simple question: Why do I feel this way? What makes me cry? What makes my heart break?
Then, take that passion, search for an answer (your WHY), and pay it forward to the women around you, and women who lack the education and resources to find their own WHY.
Mon Amie has so many causes to choose from, including Health, Opportunity, Education, Food and Water. Use code MA25247 for 25% off your order at and browse my favorite styles below.
I’d love to hear which cause resonates with you and how you’re celebrating #InternationalWomensDay!

Loved this post. Knowledge is power for sure! ✨
The watches you linked are also super cute. ❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Very nice look!
Wow, very nice look!