My Blog Domain is Back!


Just a quick HAPPY note to let you know THIS IS ME posting over here again on

I was thankfully able to purchase my domain back just one month after losing it. If you missed this whole fiasco, you can read all about it (including my tips to avoid it happening to you or someone you know). Also, check out my Instagram for the quick recap of how ironic this full-circle event is in my bigger Little Miss Fearless brand story.

Thank you for your love and support! And if you pinned or shared anything from LittleMissFearless.Blog (the temporary domain I was using when I lost this one), rest assured, I still own that domain and any/all links from there now just redirect to the same content over here.

So grateful for all of you!




  1. emily says:

    So so so so so so happy for you!!

    Posted October 17, 2018 | Reply
    • Thank you, thank you, thank you!! It’s so nice to have it all behind me now. #lessonslearned 🙂

      Posted October 17, 2018 | Reply
  2. Maureen says:

    I am so glad you got your domain back. It was upsetting to learn that it was auctioned off in the first place. So a big congratulations for getting it back!

    Maureen |

    Posted October 23, 2018 | Reply