

The Sugar-Free Food Plan I Follow for Weight Loss and Food Freedom | Little Miss Fearless

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  1. Annette Strausberg says:

    Hi Amanda,
    I appreciate this post greatl. This is kind of a fine point, but I would like people to be aware that the Bright Line Eating plan is available in Susan Pierce Thompson’s books (which are accessible at many libraries), and that there is a free Facebook page/group called Bright Line Eating Official to provide support, as well as free vlogs at the BLE website. BLE provides a plan and support for everyone, regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs. I hope you will consider adding this information to your page.
    Annette Strausberg

    Posted April 15, 2022 | Reply
    • Thank you! I love what Susan is doing to help so many through BLE!

      Posted December 7, 2022 | Reply