Friends!! Hello again! All these months offline in 2021 have been so good for my soul. But I’ve missed you. What’s happening in your lives? Here’s a quick recap on mine…
In 2021 I’ve Been Creating:
- More presence with my husband, Matt, and more purposeful parenting with my two boys (Benj 5, Scott 2)
- My first book!!
- Blueprints for my future business as a Certified Creation Coach
In 2022 I’ll Be Writing My First Book!
You read that right… I am writing a book!
And you already know it’s not about the food. ?
I need the world and YOU to know just how intricately involved the Lord was in co-creating the new beliefs and habits I live by (that started with the food) so you can see just how ready and willing He is to do the same with you.
Above all, a book feels like a great way to thank Him, regardless of if anyone buys it.
Any chance you’d like to be on my “book team”?
If you’ve followed my food journey, consider yourself part of my target audience, and are interested in reading/providing feedback on my draft, please leave me a note in the comments so I can get in touch.
I appreciate any/all prayers of love and encouragement.
So What is This ‘Creation Coach’ Thing All About?
I knew if I was going to pursue coaching others through a faith-centered food journey like mine, I needed to learn how to teach the spiritual side of it because that’s what made all the difference for me.
That’s where The Creation Coach School entered my story.
In early January 2021, a close friend told me about Brooke Snow. I listened to her podcast to hear her teachings on identity, and when she promo’d the option to certify as a Creation Coach, it felt like an exact answer to my prayers.
She even summarizes her mission statement using this Boyd K Packer quote that totally sums up my behavior changes around food:
True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.
Studying my scriptures and feasting on the words of Christ when I was trying not to self-sabotage with processed foods is how I began to really understand and apply true doctrine.
As a result (and I didn’t even know it at the time because I was just following the spirit and what felt right), the Lord illuminated my perception of who I really am and educated my desires to be more in harmony with His will.
Establishing More ‘Creator’ Habits
I joined Creation Coach in 2021 to learn tools for coaching, but what I also found was an amazing community of women who walked with me (and I them) as I learned to lock in other supportive habits that have elevated my life:
- Adequate sleep each night
- Daily meditation practice
- Consistent exercise
- Scripture study
- More presence, gratitude and service
- Nourishing morning and evening routines
- Habit tracking
…all of which help me live into my true identity—who God designed me to become.
That’s a gift, not just for me, but for everyone I share my life with. The gift of my true self who is Christ-centered, confident, calm, creative, clear, curios, courageous, compassionate, and connected.
Join Me for The Creation Coach School in 2022!
As a Certified Creation Coach (yay!) I’m committed to living into my true identity and working out my next right steps toward eventually creating my own faith-centered, group coaching program for food freedom. (Whew, that’s a mouthful.)
However, I’m just beginning to put those puzzle pieces together, so in the meantime, I’d like to invite you to join me right now for this year’s Creation Coach program.
You don’t have to wait to start practicing creator habits that will enrich your life all around (including with your food).
What if this is the year that you get enough sleep, you’re fully present, you eat nourishing foods, you take care of yourself, you speak good words to your mind, you’re present, you feel connected to your life purpose and to God?
What if you could do this consistently in a way that is loving, forgiving and sustainable, and that doesn’t require you to be perfect?
I invite you to explore each Creation Course option below to see what might be the best fit for you:
1.The Creation Course*
- Dive deeper and learn principles that will help you consistently create balanced habits of the body, spirit, and mind.
- Put learning into action!
- This option is available anytime throughout the year.
- BONUS: Free Buddy Pass (to split the cost with a friend or gift it to an accountability partner)
CLICK HERE for more details/pricing on The Creation Course!
2. Guided Creation Course*
- Join Brooke Snow LIVE for a guided experience through The Creation Course.
- This 9 month program is only offered once a year.
- Registration closes January 29, 2022.
- FREE BONUSES: Christian Meditation Course, Prayer Journaling Course
CLICK HERE for more details/pricing on the Guided Creation Course!
3. Become a Creation Coach*
- The Creation Coach School Certification will not only help you become who you were designed to be, but give you the tools and training to help those around you do the same.
- Certification is only offered once a year.
- Registration closes January 29, 2022.
- FREE BONUSES: Christian Meditation Course, Prayer Journaling Course, and Love More Weigh Less Meditation Course!
CLICK HERE for more details/pricing on the Creation Coach Certification!
*In the spirit of transparency, I am using affiliate links in this post that will generate a commission for me should you choose to purchase after clicking. Thanks for supporting me!
Let’s Receive What 2022 Has in Store For Us
At our Creation Coach graduation event in November, Brooke led us through an abundance meditation that had everyone in tears.
The one phrase that stood out to me from that spiritual experience was: “Receive them.”
After the event, it kept coming back to my mind.
So, to honor my tradition of choosing a focus word for the year, I have chosen RECEIVE as my word for 2022.
As a result, I’m already learning so much about what God wants me to receive right now in this stage of life—from my little ones, to my imperfections, to all the things I already have that I once was praying for.
I’ll also be receiving the good things He has co-created with Brooke Snow by participating in her Graduate Program for Certified Creation Coaches, continuing to practice these creator habits right alongside you.
I hope you will join me. Take note of the January 29, 2022 deadline for two of the course options above.
And PLEASE don’t be shy if you have questions. Ask in the comments or send me an email through my contact page.
We are creators! Now let’s go co-create something great!

I’d love to read and offer feedback on your book! I’m here for it all and think you writing book is such a fantastic thing. Good luck on your new endeavors!!
Thank you so much, Brittnee! You’re the best. That means so much to me.
I’ve followed your journey for a while, and I’m so excited for you to write a book! I would love to read through a draft. 🙂 I’ve done this for a cousin and am a writer too, so it’d be a joy.
Thank you, Mandy! Love that you’ve done this before because I sure haven’t. 🙂 I would so appreciate your thoughts on the draft. I’ll be in touch!
I have been so inspired by your food journey and want to make lasting changes as well. I love your Christ-centered approach. I would LOVE a to be on your book team!
Thank you so much!! Still working away over here and making good progress.
Hi Amanda! I would also love to read your book and offer feedback! I have loved following your journey and have wondered what you’ve been up to!
Thank you so much! Working away over here and making some good progress!
I would love to continue learning and growing from you and your content. It was be awesome to read the book your creating!!
Thank you so much! I’ve been making progress this past year!
I want to read your book!