top: jcrew {on sale!} | jeans: jbrand | shoes: marc fisher {also sold here + similar style here} | bag: anthropologie {sold out; similar here + here} | glasses: karen walker | watch: michael kors | lips: ‘vegas volt’ by mac
I’m so in love with this “into the wild” print from J.Crew. It’s so summery and I’m really not ready to say goodbye to July this weekend. If you have any end-of-summer bucket list plans, please share! I feel like I need to celebrate big these last few weeks because it’s back to work full time at Adobe for me come end of August and I’ve really been enjoying my new life as a full-time mama. I’ve got more BBQs and backyard fire pit + s’mores on list. What are your plans?
Have a great weekend!
Photos by JessaKae.

Such a lovely and perfect for Summer outfit. 🙂
That top is so cute!!
I am headed back to work in early September after the most amazing maternity leave. My anxiety and sadness of having to leave my little girl (also an IVF miracle) has really started to sink in. Are you experiencing any of those emotions? If so, tell me how you are coping!
Oh my gosh, Lindsay! I’ve been dying to find someone who’s going through the same thing right now. I’m SO anxious and literally sobbed yesterday because it breaks my heart to think about not being home every day with Benjamin. ESPECIALLY because I worked so hard to get him here. So far I am just trying to soak up every moment as if it’s the last (which it won’t be, but it feels that way) and trying to focus on the positive and not my fears of returning to work. I had a good chat with my husband who said we’ll always do what’s best for our family. So even though I still plan to work for a while, knowing that he supports me if I ever decide I can’t do it anymore, made me feel a lot better. Sure it would affect our income and lifestyle, but if I’m happiest being a mom and just having a job on the side or something that allows me to work full-time from home, then that’s what we’ll go after. I think it’s smart to think about a backup plan, even if the only purpose is to make you feel like you’re not trapped where you currently are. Am I making any sense? I would love to know how you are coping as well! Working full-time as a mom is not for the faint of heart.
Oh my gosh I am so relieved that it’s not just me! I have found myself becoming an emotional basketcase! I totally agree with your point about finding a back up plan, even if it’s JUST to make us feel less trapped (because that is exactly how I feel right now). I also completely understand the thought about leaving something we have both worked so hard to get! It just feels completely wrong on every level. So far, my coping has been thinking about how my daughter will benefit from daycare. I am not sure I believe what I am telling myself, but I am trying to think of the friends she will make and the stimulation she will receive at daycare. Also, I keep telling myself that it’s all about quality over quantity in this next phase. So, even though my hours with Caroline will be few during the week, I am promising myself that I am going to leave work right at 5 and keep my phone in my bag until after she goes to bed. In other words, spend every minute we have bonding as much as possible. Ugh, it just feels heartbreaking at this point. I am so glad we’re not alone though. I will be thinking about you in these last few weeks of your leave and hoping the anticipation we’re both experiencing is worse than the reality. Keep me posted on how things go for you!
Lindsay! Have you started back at work? I’m 3 weeks in now and it’s getting easier, but after holiday weekends like Labor Day when I spend more time with Benji, I start the week off already missing him. I hope you’re doing well. Your tips for coping have helped me SO much. I hope they’re helping you, too. Btw, where do you work?