juicer // jump rope // silicone wedding rings (men + women) // juice bottles // dumbells // slam ball // socks // yoga mat // fitbit // smart scale
One of the things I love about this time of year is how motivated I get to set new fitness goals. It’s probably mostly habit, because the new year is right around he corner and fitness is always one of my resolutions. But I also really enjoy giving and receiving fitness-related gifts that make those fitness goals feel more attainable.
Most of the items above are things Matt and I currently own and use. I’d recommend certain things like free weights, a yoga mat and jump rope to anyone because, regardless of whether you prefer to work out at a gym, having a few things at home when you don’t have time or even space to get a full workout in can allow you to still make progress and/or maintain what you’ve achieved so far. Sometimes I just want to do a few arm lifts and abs at home in front of the mirror. Doing something always feels better than doing nothing.
Since Matt and I are avid Fitbit wearers, we love having our Fitbit Aria scale because it syncs with the Fitbit and allows you to track your weight loss/gain and body fat percentage. We both have this latest Fitbit and like how it can sync to your phone to receive text notifications and control your music. You can also switch out different watch bands.
Lastly, one month after Benjamin was born I bought this juicer and these juice bottles and did a 5-day juice cleanse. You may remember this blog post–these documentaries got me really into eating whole, natural foods, and I love how much easier it is to eat more of the right foods (fruits and vegetables) when you juice them. Check out the documentaries if you haven’t already. They will really change the way you think about food.
Oh yeah, we also wear these silicone wedding rings whenever we work out. I highly recommend them and they make great stocking stuffers!
Hope this roundup gives you some new ideas! Below are more gift ideas (including CLOTHES!) for the fitness junkie in your life…

I’ve never thought about silicone wedding rings while working out…that’s a great idea! I love having free weights at one…that’d be a great gift for someone.
You’d love the silicone rings! They’re actually pretty cute and come in different colors. I even used mine when my baby was a newborn because my wedding ring would scratch his legs when I’d change his diaper.