The One Thing That Has Kept My Blog Alive for 5 Years


The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

Hey friends. I’m celebrating another milestone this month. August marks the 5th anniversary of this very blog you hold in your hands (or maybe in your lap).

Little Miss Fearless is 5!

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

If you’ve been following me on Instagram over the years, you’ve heard me talk about my crazy life, how I struggle to find balance, how I work full time, blog full time and mom full time (but can’t seem to let anything go).

I always told myself, “When I become a mom, I’m going to have to let go of my blog. There’s just no way I’ll be able to do it all and still find time for myself, my husband, our baby and our family priorities.”

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

Well, I’m living proof that it can be done. And the more responsibilities I take on, the more I recognize one simple truth:

Everything seems impossible until it’s done.

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

Now, I won’t lead you down the false perception that it’s been easy, or that I haven’t thought about quitting every single week for the past couple years.

The things that frustrate me most have been:

  • Missing out on networking opportunities, events and conferences because I have a 9-5 (Which is amazing, by the way. Not complaining. #AdobeLife);
  • Spending what used to be weekends with the family doing photoshoots and catching up on blog commitments/deadlines;
  • Always having to sacrifice sleep to stay on top of my blog content and schedule;
  • Getting caught up in the emotions of what I can’t control (visualizing success and feeling so trapped in my status quo); and
  • Finding enough time to keep learning and implementing new strategies and tools to grow my blog.

The struggles seem never ending.

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

Am I the only one who has spent years working to get to that point in life where I don’t have to struggle anymore? Where I “figure it all out” and then it’s just smooth sailing into the sunset?

You’re with me, right? I know I’m not the only one. And I’ve also learned the slow way that this “point in life” doesn’t exist. It’s a daily practice of gratitude and choosing to see things differently when life isn’t going our way.

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

So what’s the one thing that’s kept my blog alive for the past 5 years?

Surprisingly, it’s not the idea of what’s waiting on the other side of the mountain I’ve been climbing, or my visions of what success would look and feel like, or even my hope to arrive at my ideal self shortly after setting my new year resolutions.

The struggle itself is what has kept me going.Β And I didn’t even realize it until now.

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

I’ve hated every single one of my setbacks, but without them, I would never have had the clarity that always follows a pain period.

Whether that clarity is the spark of a new idea that excites me to try a different approach, the bold courage that inspires me to step out of my comfort zone when I realize something’s no longer working for me, or the humility to admit when it’s time to reach out to someone else for support, I couldn’t have continued to show up each week without it.

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

And we all know without darkness there is no light. Without fear there is no courage. Without vulnerability there is no connection.

The one thing that has kept my blog alive for 5 years | Little Miss Fearless

Take a trip down memory lane with me in the below video to see some of my first blog posts, favorite outfits and key turning points in the evolving purpose behind my blog, Little Miss Fearless.

I know many of you amazing readers are bloggers as well, so I’d love to hear one thing that’s kept you blogging through the years. Or if you’re thinking of starting a blog, what’s the one thing that’s motivating you?


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  1. Happy 5th blogiversary! I totally get you on hustling over the weekend when I don’t have to work 9 to 6, and having to miss out on family and friend outings. It’s the worst sometimes, but it’s so worth it in the end!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Posted August 31, 2017 | Reply
    • Love your perspective, Charmaine! I’m so glad I’m not alone in the hustle. And there really are so many benefits for the sacrifices we make. xo

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  2. Natali says:

    Wow, such a great post and roundup of 5 years of inspiring work! Yes, the struggle and wanting to be better than I was few months ago is what kept my blog alive too! It’s always a lot of work, figuring out, trying to balance everything, etc. It’s not easy, it has never been and I think the more the blog is getting recognised, the tougher it gets but it’s also a proof that all of the work put in the blog is paying off.
    Happy anniversary and keep on rocking! πŸ™‚

    Posted September 1, 2017 | Reply
    • Thanks for your sweet words and for all the support, Natali! I always look forward to your comments. Glad I’m not alone in the struggle. It’s definitely a lot of work, but you’re right, we grow so much and can become better than before. xo

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  3. Congrats on 5 years! That is a serious achievement all while working full time, being a wife and a mom! I seriously don’t know how you do it!
    xx Tess | Sequins are the New Black

    Posted September 1, 2017 | Reply
  4. Rach says:

    Happy Blogiversary! I’m the same way and I struggle trying to juggle work, blog, and other personal stuff. What kept me going with the blog is when I look back and think about how much good blogging has done for me.

    Posted September 1, 2017 | Reply
    • You are such a light in the blogging world, Rach! I’m so glad you’ve continued despite the struggles. I always love your comments and posts and I admire you more than you know. xo

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  5. Angie Clark says:

    I love your blog! Your style is effortless and I love it! Would love to know how you curl your hair, it is gorgeous!

    Posted September 1, 2017 | Reply
    • Thanks, Angie! Means the world. I have a tutorial in the works! xo

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  6. emily says:

    Congratulations on 5 years! Been with you from the beginning. You have inspired me in more than just fashion! Keep being brave!

    Posted September 1, 2017 | Reply
    • Your comment means the world! Thanks for all the support, Emily. xo

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  7. Suzanne says:

    Love this post. I’m a bit of a lurker around here but I admire so much about your blog and your fitness posts are such perfect content for my Pinterest boards, haha. πŸ˜‰

    I’ve been blogging for 3.5 years, most of which has been alongside a full-time job (I started blogging when I was unemployed). I’m big on fitness/being active outdoors, so the 3 of those together can be so challenging. Even though I technically have enough time for it all and I consider myself a very motivated person, I’m sure you can relate to the fact that sometimes the energy tanks are just completely empty, both physically and emotionally.

    If I’m being 100% honest, one of the biggest motivators for me is the payday. Besides being very money-motivated, having an extra income has done SO much for me, including everything from recouping my finances after unemployment, paying for plane tickets for my sisters to visit me, helping fund my wedding, and giving me a little extra budget to make my vacations a little cooler. And I can make it happen doing something I truly enjoy, which makes the time sacrifices more worth it. Despite the intermittent frustration and exhaustion, optimizing my blog has always been the most thrilling real-life game. I love having total control of my own project, and it’s so fun for me to turn the proverbial knobs of my little business and see what I can do to grow my audience, more effectively reach my existing audience, help someone, and just straight up earn more. Too much realness? Haha. πŸ™‚

    Keep up the beautiful work, I admire what you’ve done so much!

    Posted September 1, 2017 | Reply
    • Thank you for opening up and sharing your experience. It’s so encouraging to hear from other bloggers who know the balancing act of blogging alongside so many other life responsibilities. It really is an amazing feeling to have control over your own project and be able to see it grow and evolve and make money. It’s never too much realness with me. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for all the love and support, Suzanne! I wish the same for you!

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  8. Diane Bettin says:

    I love your blog and have been following for years. I love your style and your honesty!

    Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
    • Thank you so much, Diane! Your encouragement means so much to me. xo

      Posted September 2, 2017 | Reply
  9. Dalene says:

    Great 5th anniversary. For sure that’s an inspiration. Started mine recently and I can say that talking about what i’m passionate about is sure to keep me in check. Thank you.

    Posted September 10, 2017 | Reply
    • Aw thanks, Dalene. I couldn’t agree more. Always pursue your passion and you’ll have no trouble staying focused and motivated. xo

      Posted September 15, 2017 | Reply
  10. Ashley says:

    Happy anniversary! I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now and struggled with myself to JUST DO IT! I am so inspired by ladies such as yourself who have been doing it for awhile!

    Keep up the good work you are an inspiration!

    Posted September 18, 2017 | Reply
    • Aw thanks so much, Ashley! That means the world. The hardest parts are starting and then staying focused on your WHY. “Find your why and you’ll find your way.” This quote has helped me tremendously on my blogging journey. Hope it helps you, too. Thanks for connecting! xo

      Posted September 19, 2017 | Reply